Our story began the way many stories do…
with mutual captivation and curiosity. We were excited about the things we held in common - fascination with people and relationships, with systems and organizations, with bringing presence and a deepening consciousness into the world. Highly ambitious. Deeply desired.
We came from wildly diverse backgrounds, but the strange attractor that drew us together had us in its grip. Well versed in the enneagram of personality, we brought that knowledge to our exploration of the enneagram of process. We spent several years in this investigation, using the enneagram of process as the framework for our own exploration, sitting in the field of inquiry together, discovering new capacities.
Something new emerged. As we explored, discussed, laughed, argued, researched, disagreed, and stretched, we discovered how to work with ourselves, using inquiry and embodied practices, to catalyze coherent ways of being and functioning. We brought in numerous perspectives as we experimented – with ourselves and with groups. We re-worked and experimented again.
These nascent learning and growing capacities fueled our desire to successfully facilitate group dynamics - to work with potholes in group process and to optimize group performance. Gradually we devised a unique process that invites the full range of our human expression and results in insight, impact, effectiveness and group cohesiveness.
We came together with a shared notion of creating something that catalyzes the evolutionary movement needed for a quantum leap in individual and collective functioning. It would incorporate a view that more fully integrates the inner, the felt sense of the functioning of individuals and groups with the outer, the visible process of individual and organizational manifestation. Thus, the Enneagram of Synergy was born.
An ant hurries along a threshing floor
with its wheat grain, moving between huge stacks of wheat, not knowing the abundance
all around. It thinks its one grain
is all there is to love.
So we choose a tiny seed to be devoted to. This body, one path or one teacher.
Look wider and farther.
The essence of every human being can see, and what that essence-eye takes in,
the being becomes. Saturn. Solomon!
The ocean pours through a jar,
and you might say it swims inside
the fish! This mystery gives peace to
your longing and makes the road home home.